Saturday, March 3, 2012


Saturday Centus is a writing exercise. Jenny Matlock posts a prompt each week and describes limitations the writer must adhere to. This week we were challenged to write 107 words and include: saying goodbye was harder than she thought. Here is my response:


When did life change? When did she become everything to Dad?  She couldn’t place it on a timeline. She couldn’t recall if it happened suddenly, when Mom died, or whether it sidled up little by little. She went through Dad’s refrigerator, tossing unrecognizable tidbits and packing perishables to take with her. She looked over her shoulder as she stepped into the hall, already feeling a sense of loss. Emptiness. What would she do with her time now? Saying goodbye was harder than she thought. But imagining the adventures Dad would have with his friends on the cruise brought a smile to her face, and her heart lightened. 

I have been participating in this writing challenge for a few weeks from my other blog. But, the prompt fit so well on Dad's blog, that I decided to post it here. To read other responses to the challenge, click on the Saturday Centus button below.